Sunday, August 28, 2011

Blog Post #1. Randy Pausch lecture: time management

Pausch said that “managing your time well makes you successful” I completely agree with this statement. He said a great way to do this is to use Covey’s four quadrant model to do list. In this model you are supposed to separate your tasks into important and due soon which is number one on your priority level, not important and due soon which should be third on your priority list, important and not due soon which is the second most important, and finally not important and not due soon which is last on priority level. It is crucial to follow the sequence of the list or it will be pointless. Pausch also said that clutter often leads to inefficient time management. He suggests that you find a system of organization that works for you and then actually use it! For me, this is easy to say and much more difficult to actually do, it just takes practice and the effort of following through with your goals. You also need to be able to balance work life with school and any other priorities you may have in your daily life. Make time for important things by NOT doing the things that are NOT important. “Procrastination is the thief of time”, Pausch stated. Procrastination is one of my most unattractive qualities. I have a tendency to put things off until the last minute, when I often have time to do it earlier in the week. Mr. Pausch is a prime example of a person who is excellent at time management. He doesn’t have much time left and he wants to make the most of the time he does have. I hope I can follow some of his helpful tips to help manage my time and improve my study habits and organizational skills for the fall semester.

Blog Post #1

My name is Audrey Hope Carrio. I was born and raised in Mobile, Alabama and my parents still live in the same house I grew up in actually. I am a 5th year senior at South Alabama. I started my college career at the University of Montevallo in Northern Alabama, where I played tennis and was a tour guide for the school. I moved back to home after my freshman year and transferred to Faulkner State Community College where I also played on the tennis team. After my sophomore year I transferred to South and have been here ever since. As you may have noticed by now I really enjoy playing tennis, it is one of my favorite hobbies even though I don’t get to play as much as I would like to. I work at a resale boutique called Rave Reviews, I have only been there a short while but I love my job! In the future I hope to actually open up a boutique of my own, once I retire from teaching.
Why did I choose education? As I said earlier, I am a 5th year senior so I have been in college for quite some time now. I have never been one of those people who just absolutely knew what they were going to do. I am quite the opposite actually; I have never had any clue what I wanted to do. Originally, I thought I wanted to be a nurse so I applied and got into USA’s nursing program. I quickly figured out that nursing was not for me, I have a weak stomach and could not handle the gore that came with being an RN. After nursing school I really had no idea what to do. Only recently did I decide to switch to education. I love science and I have been a student for the majority of my life so education just seemed like a natural fit. The benefits and ideal schedule are a plus as well. I am going for secondary science and hope to teach biology to juniors and seniors. Being a college tennis player I also feel like I would be a great person to coach the tennis teams in the spring. I am very excited about my new education path and could not be more excited to get the semester started!